Friday, August 6, 2010

Learn math by counting apples

Now if I have the two apples I counted yesterday, and you give me
three more apples, I can count them again and I know there will be
five more examples on free online math help. I don't need to know anything else
about the apples to know this; addition is a property of the numbers themselves,
independent of any other properties the apples may have.

This means I can forget
about the apples themselves, and even, if I wish, forget about the
process of counting and the perception involved in doing that. Here we
have entered the realm of mathematics, Here in math help where we deal with abstract
numbers rather than specific counted items. And within this realm,
since we are no longer dealing with perception, what we say can be
exactly true - although when we take our conclusions back to the
"real" world, we will have to deal with the possibility that our
perceptions are inaccurate: me math helper counted wrong, apples can disappear
spontaneously, or whatever.

I might try to apply addition to something
for which it doesn't work (adding, say, a liter of sugar to a liter of
water, and expecting 2 liters of sugar water); then the problem is not
in the math but in the application. It is the job of science (or
merely of experience) to determine what mathematical models apply to a
given situation.

Math beyond Arithmetic

Greetings from Online math tutoring,

You might want to
gather different ideas by looking it up in various dictionaries or
encyclopedias, and reading the introductory chapters of several
popular books on math help, which may tell what the authors think math is
all about. There is no one "correct" answer.

As you can see, math goes far beyond arithmetic, or even algebra and
geometry. All sorts of logical thinking fit this description. And math
is a very creative field, involving exploration of the unknown, not
just learning rules we are told to follow. Mathematicians invent
abstract worlds, and discover all the surprises in them that are never
noticed by those who don't look for the abstractions behind the
Now let me explain what is free math tutoring online

Math beyond arithmetic

You might want to
gather different ideas by looking it up in various dictionaries or
encyclopedias, and reading the introductory chapters of several
popular books on math, which may tell what the authors think math is
all about. There is no one "correct" answer.

As you can see, math goes far beyond arithmetic, or even algebra and
geometry. All sorts of logical thinking fit this description. And math
is a very creative field, involving exploration of the unknown, not
just learning rules we are told to follow. Mathematicians invent
abstract worlds, and discover all the surprises in them that are never
noticed by those who don't look for the abstractions behind the

mathematics is a discipline

Welcome to math tutor online for free,
This session helps students who need help with math,

mathematics is a discipline that seeks understanding
of the patterns and structures of constructs of the human mind.
Understanding has no end to its depth, and mathematics seeks
the highest standards of understanding by demanding rigor in its
foundations and in its development. Rigor is achieved by responsible
attention to the principles of logic.

In a strict sense, mathematics differs from science, if we accept
that science is the discipline that seeks understanding of the
physical world by means of the scientific method. (The scientific
method is the procedure by which hypotheses are proposed and subjected
to experiments designed to expose weaknesses in the hypotheses.)
The reason mathematics differs from this is because mathematics does
not, in a pure sense, attempt to describe the physical world.
Mathematical theorems are not tested against nature, but against
logic. more explanation in math forum.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is a Polygon

Let us study what is polygon and kinds of polygon,

A polygon is a two-dimensional object; it is a plane shape with straight sides. A pentagon is a regular polygon, it is defined as a pentagon which is all the five sides are congruent and all the five sides of interior angles are congruent. That is a polygon, both equiangular and equilateral. Important point is all the regular polygons are convex.


A polygon is a 2-dimensional object; it is a plane shape with straight sides.

Polygon is of two types,

1. Irregular polygon

2. Regular polygon

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me give sample questions to solve Tetrahedron in a unit sphere.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Triangles Three

Let us study about fire triangle,

Triangle is one of the basic shape in geometry, and it is a closed figure with three sides. There are different types of triangles are available and You can categorized the triangle based on their sides and angles.

Three types of triangle, it is classified based on their sides and four types of triangles based on their angles.Let us discuss about three basic
types of triangle; it is classified based on their sides.

Classifying triangles based on their Sides.

1) Equilateral triangle

2)Isosceles Triangle

3) Scalene Triangle

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let us study 1 gallon in litres

Introduction for analytical geometry

Here we are going to see some basic principles for solving problems in analytical geometry basics.

Coordinates in analytical geometry
Coordinate system is a system uses set of numbers and point in a XY plane to represent a geometrical shape. For example, to indicate a line in a XY plane we need two points.

Equations of lines and curves in analytical geometry

We use equations to represent lines and curves to denote them in a coordinate plane. For example, the equation of a line is given by, y = mx + b and this type of line equations are first order equations. The equations of curves given by second order equations. For example, the equation of a circle is given by,
= , and the equation of a parabola is given by by = 2ax.

Distance between two points in analytical geometry

Let (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) be two points in a coordinate plane. The distance between these two points are given by, I hope the above explanation was useful.